Underprivileged is about a young teenage boy Tomas Figueras, who finds himself torn between his family s legal status and his lifelong dream of attaining a soccer scholarship for a Division I university. The story explores Tomas motivation and persuasive nature challenging to overcome the struggle of achieving his enduring aspirations while being an American-raised immigrant. Based on the profoundly moving stories of immigrant families throughout the United States, and the hardships along with the controversial legal issues that these families may have to overcome.
Written and directed: Rafael Lanús
Cast: Cast: Mariano Gonzalez Guerineau, Maria Monedero, Jacqueline Li, Lance Buckner, David Saucedo, Taylor Candace, Constance Sullivan & Santiago Lorenzo Capdepont
Music: : "Being Nice" @flyingpoints, "Vagabundo" Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio Emmanuele @piazzavittorio
Scoring: Emilio Kauderer
Official Selection@ Beverly Hills Film Festival 2012 - Awareness Festival Los Angeles 2012 - The Short Film Corner, Cannes Film Festival 2012 - COMMFFEST Global Community Film Festival 2012 - The Other Venice Film Festival 2012 - Boston Latino Film Festival 2012